I'm Mahan Rasouli

Hello, my name is Mahan Rasouli. I am a self-taught professional designer and artist with a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design and over 5 years of experience in CGI art.


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My Design Strategy


Choosing the best strategy, both financially and in terms of design and implementation, will be the first step of a successful project.



Gathering information, talking to experts in the field and validating ideas and achievements will be the next step.

Awesome Execution

The difference between people is not in not having good ideas, the difference is in the distance between ideation and making them real.

There is NO LIMIT!


On this page you can see all my projects and read more about their details


If you need something designed for you, or just have any design questions, I'm just a message away!


Awards and Degrees

I won other sports and related awards that I did not mention here...
For example, 2 times the Iron prize of the IDA Design competition


Check This Projects!